Naming conventions

The name of each directory must correspond to a unique id that identifies the work order.

Each image should be named according to the task group to which it relates (the task group corresponds to the type of the image - see the page of your application version to know the list of task groups admissible).

Optionally, you can add a suffix "-X" with a number at the end of the photo name. If several photos contain this suffix, the photos are processed in the order thus provided. All photos without suffixes are processed after photos with suffixes.

The metadata.json file is a JSON file containing dictionaries with all the information as specified on your application page on the Deepomatic platform. If no metadata is required in your application, then there is no need to include the corresponding empty file or files.

The analysis of the work order will not be possible if the metadata file does not contain all the required information as specified on the Deepomatic platform.

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