Invite and manage users
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Admin users of an organization are able to invite and manage users as well as their permissions, through the admin page of the platform.
For each user, the following fields are displayed on the admin page:
Name: including the first name and last name of the user
Description: optional information that can be added to describe the user profile and is written below the name
Role: the user's permission role which allows access to different resources of the organization
Email: defined email address of the user
Status: the status of the user in accessing the platform. If the user has already logged in to the studio the status is Active, if the user has received the invitation but has not yet set up the account and has not yet logged in, the status is Invite Pending and if the invitation link has expired and the user has not yet logged in to the platform, the status is Invite Expired.
Last connection: the last day on which the user has logged in to the platform
Users are listed in two tabs: organization users and Deepomatic users, the latter of which includes Deepomatic team members and annotators who collaborate in the project.
In order to invite new users into the organization, you can click on the 'Invite' button within the proper tab and fill in the required information:
All the below-listed information fields except the user email can be modified afterward using the 'edit user info/role' option provided in the menu.
Email: The valid email address, through which the user receives an invitation to the platform and allows the user to log in with
First name, Last name: This information is only used to display the users
Description: Optional information that can be filled in to give more context about the user
Role: Grants relevant access to different organization resources of the platform and should be chosen from a list of possible provided options:
Access to site: Choose which mobile apps to grant the user access to. All of the existing sites in the organisation are listed here, and the intended sites must be marked.
By clicking the send invite button, the newly created user will receive an email with instructions for gaining access to their Deepomatic account.
You can perform specific actions to manage an organization's existing users:
Edit user info/role: To edit each user's information or role
Remove user: To remove the user from the organization. When a user gets removed, they no longer will have access to the organization's resources.
Resend invite: If a user has 'Invite Pending' or 'Invite Expired' status, by choosing this option you can resend them the invite email with a new access link
You can also choose to perform a certain action on a group of selected users at once. This allows you to:
Remove: To remove the selected users from the organization. When users get removed, they no longer will have access to the organization's resources.